The library will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day. 


Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports tests, rates, and reviews thousands of consumer products and services at both its testing center in Westchester County, N.Y., and its auto test center in Colchester, Conn.  Funded by RCLS member libraries

Mango Languages

Mango prepares learners for realistic conversations and communication in over 70 world languages. Powered by intelligent technology and an adaptive algorithm, Mango empowers learners to communicate with confidence. New York Records New York Records

Several New York repositories have formed a partnership with to digitize family history records and make them available on line for free. Descriptions of the records as well as the holding organizations are provided through the links and logos on the New York web page.

Comics Plus

Unlimited Access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from more than 100 publishers. All available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. New registrants should enter "Ramapo Catskill" as the library name.

All Library Databases - A-Z

To access the full list of all available databases click here.

Databases vs Websites